Printer Friendly Version Customs @ 25 September 2012 10:28 AM

Customs formalities

Diplomatic missions and consular posts issue a certificate necessary for the import of household goods without payment of customs duties.

Our citizens, who have worked continuously for at least 2 years and maximum 10 years in Switzerland, are entitled to this certificate. They are exempt from paying import duties on household items imported from Switzerland within one year from the date of their final return, amounting to a total of 20.000 Euros. Serbian citizens who have worked in Switzerland continuously 10 years (or more) are exempt from import duties on household items imported from Switzerland within one year from the date of their final return without any restrictions in value.

Staying abroad is not a basis for obtaining the right to duty-free imports by itself. The certificate refers only to the import of household goods in the Republic of Serbia. The certificate DOES NOT apply on motor vehicles.

Documentation required for the issuance of a customs certificate: a valid Serbian passport, a certificate from the authority of a foreign state that keeps evidence about working period, proof of permanent return (residence deregistration).

Information on Customs formalities can be found HERE.


Non-commercial movement of animal pets


Customs certificate



For further information, please contact Consulate General.